Web Console search function enhancement-User ID, Group name

It would be helpful if the search feature in the web console was enhanced to facilitate more efficient searches. When we type in a specific group's name several other options are listed. Since we have a large facility this makes searching cumbersome. For example, when searching for the group OR the search pulls up every name that has "or". To select OR we have to page over to page 40 each time. Similarly, if we type in 12 Orange every group name that has a 1, 2 or "or" pulls up so we have to page forward multiple times to find the group despite typing in the exact group name.

Also, many of the user IDs in our facility start with S followed by 6 numeric characters. If we type in all 6 numbers without the S it will not pull any options. It would be helpful if all options that include the 6 numeric characters pulls up.

  • Guest
  • Jan 19 2021
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