Vocera Edge Paging Issues with Pages coming from OR Causing delays in alerting.

Our PACU Unit has been having issues with receiving pages from the OR. When the OR sends the notification for closing up a patient sometimes the pages are coming to the Vocera device like it should and other times the notifications are coming through the web version of Vocera on the intranet causing a delay because if no one is logged into the web version they do not see the notification. The OR is sending to the correct PACU group, but the messages don't consistently reach the PACU phones. Some people get the messages, others don't.

issue is the messaging server cannot handle large conversation chats. In this instance the user sending the message created a group chat of 36 users which means the message was sent 36 times to each user in the chat. In addition to the load of sending that many individual messages simultaneously to the participants' inboxes, there is also the demand when 36 users all open the group chat in a short span of time to receive the message.

  • Jarvis Henry
  • Aug 26 2024
  • Clarification requested
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