Would like the ability to move a room from one department to another.

Occasionally there is a need to move a room from one department to another when occupancy is high for a department. I would like to be able to delete the bed from one department and add it to another department.

  • Guest
  • Mar 12 2020
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    13 Mar, 2020 04:57pm

    If a bed is in a room that is in MICU, then the MICU charge nurse might be involved. But the bed needs to be in Medical Step Down due to a bed shortage, so the Medical Step Down charge nurse would get the alarm call.

  • Admin
    Jeff Prentice commented
    13 Mar, 2020 04:50pm


    I'd like to further understand the workflow described here. What changes when a bed is moved from one department to another? Is this for Staff Assignment reasons?

