Engage 7.2x - Unit Level Groups

We want to see Unit Level Group buckets in Engage, which can take references to group names directly from Vocera. We want to have a 1:M relationship per bucket, which can then feed the list of groups into the "Send Message" portion of a Vocera message.

This workflow is useful when we have multiple groups we need to send stuff to for a single event using a single rule.

For example, Staff Assist, we want to send to charge nurse, ANM, auxiliary groups that help out during these calls, in addition to folks that are assigned. Currently we can only do 1:1 for Vocera groups as unit level group buckets. So with this specific problem we would have to create at least 3-4 rules to make it all work and use up 3-4 buckets. That is a waste of time, especially because the ManageUnitAlertGroups workflow is not really a good UI to work with.

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  • Jan 10 2025
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