More accurate descriptions on User Activity Reports

We recently discovered a "misunderstood" description on our User Activity Reports, regarding the time a user is logged out.

We have our system set to auto logout a user after 2 hours off network, in order to reallocate those licenses to the system.

What this has inadvertently caused, is a vague "logged out" record.  Here's the example:

User X works shift 0800-1600.  User X goes off network at 1430.  System auto logs out user X at 1630.  User activity report simply shows user X as Logged Out at 1630.  The supervisor of user X has no idea that user X left work at 1430, which was well before their shift end time of 1600.  Instead, the report makes it appear that user X worked until 1630 :(.

Our recommendation, especially for the user activity report, is for the command log out and the auto logout feature to be represented separately, ie Logged Out refers to a user issued command logout, and Auto Logged Out refers to a system generated logout after being off network.

There may very well be other reports this benefits as well, but for now, our administrators cannot trust the timing of the Logged Out record in all of the various user reports.  We cannot use these reports to see if staff are actually working their entire shift.


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