Use VolumeDown or side button on TC51 to quiet alert or ring.

Our users would like to be able to use a side button or the Volume Down button to quiet the ring when an alert of incoming call is coming in and they are unable to answer the call at the moment. 

Sometimes staff are in a room and not able to answer a call or alert, but they currently have no way to silence the call other than rejecting it or acknowleding the alert. Staff would like to be able to quiet the alerts/rings like you can on an iPhone or Android phone when a call comes in by pressing the Volume down or one of the side buttons while it is alerting/ringing.
  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
  • Will not do
  • Attach files
  • Cathey Kilner commented
    14 Oct, 2020 09:45pm

    Some Android devices/OS' require the device to be awake before the volume up/down action to silence the alert will function. This is not behaviour VCS can affect.

  • +1