Currently, if a User who is in DND (red) taps the status icon ONCE, they AUTOMATICALLY change their status to Available (green). Recommend a Long Press and Hold of the status button to change the User's status from DND (red) to Available (Green).

Currently, ONE tap on the status button when user is on DND (red) AUTOMATICALLY changes the status to Available (green). This workflow is assuming that the User is only tapping the red status to change their status to available. This is not necessarily the case.

For example, the User may want to look at the full status window to view or update their forwarding status, OR view or update their DND time.

So if the User is NOT looking to change their status to available with one tap, they currently need to tap the icon, then tap the status icon AGAIN, to view the entire status window, then resume their DND.

Recommend a different, more functional workflow, such as a Long Press and hold of the status button to change the User's status from DND (red) to Available (Green) and a single tap to view the full status window.

  • Erin Maruoka
  • Mar 9 2021
  • Planned
  • Attach files