Enhance message alert behavior to grab clinician attention

The ACP yesterday reported multiple messages missed from all his recipients. Recipients reporting not noticing messages are sent to them, either not hearing or feeling the messages in their pockets.

Some recipients will only notice the messages when they log back into the app which can be minutes to hours depending on how busy they are and how often they are looking in their device.

The ACP really likes this feature and sees this as a valuable tool, but if recipients are not acknowledging the message or noticing them come through they will resort to always calling staff instead.

The ask is to enhance the intensity/frequency of alerting behavior for messages that have not been read. Ideas would be to vibrate more often, resend alert after a few minutes to remind clinician of unread messages.

  • Fil Kim
  • May 13 2021
  • Attach files
  • Mark Lichman commented
    4 Jun, 2021 08:43pm

    Clinicians would like reminders for new messages after. Default reminder time should ideally be configurable, but may be on the order of 5 minutes.

    This applies to any unread notifications.

    Need to be careful and ensure we are not sending too many reminders.