Add permission for Record Greetings

Currently, in order to give a group of users the ability to record greetings on group voicemail, I have to give full system admin privileges as there are no permissions that cover this.

Without giving full system admin privileges, issuing the command "record a greeting for <group name>" gives the response to contact your administrator for permission.

Could recording group greetings be added as a tiered admin permission?  It would alleviate my stress due to tiered admins suddenly having full system access upon logging into the console.

Until now, I have created a separate group called Record Greetings which has only the full system access permission and this works for users who do not have console access via a password, but it creates the issue above when I need to give this permission to a tiered admin.

  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2020
  • Will not do
  • Attach files
  • +4