Have Vocera Web Console function same as VCS App when contacting patient care team that float to multiple sites when not at vocera home site

As a care provider that works with patients at multiple sites when I float, I need the ability to be called/messaged when people look up a patient's care team in the VCS Web Console without knowing which site is my home site, or what site I'm at currently, or knowing to select Global. Also, when I look at the patient's Care Team contacts list in the VCS app, I can see people from different sites and do the above (call them or send them a message). If I look up this same patient's Care Team in the Web Console, it will show the users but if I click on one of them, it takes me to an arbitrary (other) DL and not the user I clicked on. We need this to work the same as it does in the VCS App. 

  • Debra Wachholz
  • May 31 2024
  • Attach files