Option to send enunciated text message/custom tones


We have received the following request from a QI team at one of our hospitals. If more information is needed to understand the exact request, I can try to answer or put you in touch with the group if it's needed in order to develop a change revolving this:

This group works with a team that is redesigning the care provided to the patients. One of the areas we implemented on the unit is the use of vocera web console as well as the text messaging between providers and RNs. The physicians are texting from their phone or the web console and the nurses are receiving the messages on the vocera badges.

One area of opportunity we have discovered is that the messages that are coming from the provider to the badges are the same “Kerplunk” sounds as everything else. Our understanding is this has been explored in the past; however, we are wondering if you or someone from vocera can work with us on some creative solutions.

Here are some we were discussing in hopes you can help or direct us to who can:
1.       Could it be a different sounds if it a text message?
2..       Either a voice saying, “Dr. Spilseth sent you a message”  or an actual different noise
To note, this group was shown how the ability to send urgent messages provides this functionality, but the issue was that "these messages aren't always urgent". Perhaps designing something in the messaging software itself to allow users to send a message with a specific enunciation, and a specific tone would alleviate their issues/provide more functionality to the end user. Especially with mixed technology groups who do not use all VCS, or all Badge.
  • Jon Berndtson
  • Jan 31 2020
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