Allow employee ID to be an option to login to the Vocera Badge

We have a lot of employee's that login to the badge for the first time, and end up setting up someone else's Vocera account, because they were not paying attention or didn't understand the Genie when it plays the name back to them.  It would be helpful if employee's could login either using their first and last name OR their employee ID.  This would allow us to train staff to login using their employee ID for the first time, ensuring they're setting up the correct Vocera account.  This would also help with initial recognition issues, when the employee has a hard to pronounce name.  I know you can spell the name, but employee's find this annoying, because we don't always have their "preferred" name setup for them initially.  Additionally we have some customers with very heavy accents, so the longer the name, the more trouble the genie has understanding them. 

  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Mike Ryker commented
    13 Mar, 2021 12:44am

    This could be accomplished by adding the Employee ID to the Alternate Spoken Name field for a user.

  • +7