Creating a US English base pack so we can take advantage of Vocera's multispeech tool.

Vocera apparently has multispeech packs that help extend recognition to improve for localized accents - e.g. Filipino. However apparently you dont have a US English based pack we can use. (I understand you have Great Britain, Australian, etc., but no US English.) So we'd like you create a US English base pack so we can take advantage of the multispeech recognition tool.

  • Guest
  • Nov 1 2023
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    8 Dec, 2023 02:42pm

    Just to make sure I have this right . . . . you're saying the package we've got installed now already allows for accents recognition, and there is no additional package available to enhance that capability?

  • Admin
    Mike Ryker commented
    2 Dec, 2023 12:18am

    In the US the default speech pack in the product is US English and includes recognition for a large variety of accents including typical non-native English speaker accents to reflect the diverse make-up of users in the US. The Multi-speech pack option is available for deployments outside the US in order to allow customers to tailor the speech recognition to meet their unique needs.