Badge locater tone / beep / broadcast

Q: How do you find badges that are powered on but no one is logged into them?

If you run a report on badge location,  it shows you the AP that the badge is connected to, but that's as close as you can get... give or take 3-4 patient rooms, 5 different desks, and a billion little nooks and crannies in the 150-200 foot radius.
When the badge is in a "Not Logged In"  (NLI) state, I am unaware of any way to call that specific badge. 

If we could have a feature that let us (or our users) give a command that caused the badge to start chirping / warbling / Reply "Polo" or maybe better... just allowed us to talk through it from our own badge... that would make finding errant badges significantly easier. Obviously this would need to occur prior to the battery dying... oh that's an idea.... make the badge emit a beeping noise after the "Warning low battery" man comes on. Let it beep continuously for as long as possible.

Any of these would be helpful.

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  • Jan 31 2020
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