Intergrate Web Console with Telephony

It would be nice to have the Web Console integrated with telephony as it is with Staff Assignment to allow for calling from a desk extension.  We have a plethora of staff members who do not have nor use the Vocera badge/VCS app yet use the Web Console for texting only at this juncture.

These users would benefit greatly with this integration by placing their extension into the application, as aforementioned Staff Assignment, and be able to make calls from their desk phones.  The benefit of Web Console badge users allows our them the need to bypass any recognition issues in out very multi-national, multi-lingual organization.

Further, it would allow for the communication across the organization to continue unhampered when Vocera badge stocks are low or VCS unavailable.

  • Guest
  • Jan 15 2020
  • Completed
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  • Admin
    Mike Ryker commented
    17 Feb, 2022 03:33pm

    This feature is available in Platform 6