New message tone when in foreground

When app is in background, a new message alert plays a tone to let you know a message has come in. When the app is in the foreground, no alert tone plays when a new message comes in and its possible to miss the alert. This idea is to have the same new message alert tone play whether app is in foreground or background. Thank you.

  • Alex Lewis
  • Sep 14 2021
  • Attach files
  • Alex Lewis commented
    28 Sep, 2021 07:04pm

    i agree that vibration would be acceptable.

  • Fil Kim commented
    24 Sep, 2021 08:45pm

    vibration is good!

  • Mark Lichman commented
    24 Sep, 2021 08:38pm

    Would a tone or a vibration be preferred as the default or the choice of both?

    Please bear in mind the more choices we provide to the user the more choices they need to make.

    The default for many consumer messaging apps is a vibration