Vina Android "Pop on screen" setting causes no notification audio

My colleague has been onsite doing some testing in Vina and has come across an issue on a TC52.

First, she goes to the Android settings screen and selects “Other Conversations. She then toggles on the setting for “Pop on screen”. Once it is toggled on, this setting will break the audible alert sounds coming from Vina.

As a Vocera Admin and a Vina user, we would like the ability to have this setting enabled to see other pop-ups and Vina pop ups without having no audible sounds for notifications.

  • Guest
  • Nov 28 2022
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  • Mark Graham commented
    5 Jan, 2023 06:53pm

    This has been identified as an issue in the notification behavior of Vina. It will be fixed in an upcoming version of the app.

  • Guest commented
    2 Dec, 2022 08:42pm

    When the setting is set, it will generate a tone, but it's only the android alert tone when urgent alerts are sent (when the phone screen is locked) and if the phone is unlocked and on the home screen, it will not play a ringtone at all. It's only happening on Android 10 devices.